Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Is it Important to Feng Shui My Attic?

Question: I read decluttering your home is an important step in the Feng Shui-ing process. I wanted to know, should I also declutter my attic? 

Answer: Yes. When assessing a home with Feng Shui, consultants take into consideration the compass directions, date of birth, the five elements and/or Ba-gua map life sections. In the practice of Feng Shui, objects of past and current ownership carry a positive or negative energetic charge. Or in other words, Psychologists refer to this as "emotional memories." 

Objects displayed throughout your home and stored in the closets, attic and basement could disclose a greater effect on your conscious, unconscious minds and emotions.  In general, it's best to start Feng Shui-ing the attic by decluttering. After the those changes have been made, it makes it easier to decide the function of use with the attic. That will help indicate what additional Feng Shui cures are best to implement. For each person, this will vary and at that point it would be best to consult with your local Feng Shui Expert.