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Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.

Feng Shui Insight - How Does Resenting and Hating My Home Affect the Energy?

Feng Shui Manhattan Healing Blog

Certified New York City Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano provides weekly Feng Shui Tips and insights to help inspire and support a new engagement with your daily surroundings internally and externally. She also explores the latest overlaps between the metaphysical sciences and modern-day sciences. In addition, Laura shares guidance into a variety of healing modalities, such as with Reiki, Dowsing, and Meditation to help support you with healthier lifestyle choices for the body, mind, and spirit.

Feng Shui Insight - How Does Resenting and Hating My Home Affect the Energy?

Laura Cerrano

Throughout my years of Feng Shui Consulting I’ve come to understand sometimes you can’t solely rely on the Ba-gua Map and Flying Star Formulas to adjust the energy of a home. At times there can be illogical experiences that require deeper investigations into the subtle energies of the unseen. For this particular post, I’m referring to investigating negative emotions that have been imprinted into the soul of a home. A key lower emotion I’ll be focusing on is resentment.

Why does this matter?

From a human standpoint, if the feeling of resentment goes unchecked it has the potential to morph into….

  • Anger

  • Frustration

  • Hostility 

  • Bitterness

  • Hard feelings

  • Uneasiness 

  • Hate and more…..

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, chronic anger puts your body into a fight-or-flight mode. Due to this, your heart rate, blood pressure and immune system can be negatively impacted. Chronic anger can also increase the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions.

As human beings we are walking, living breathing bundles of energy. The energy we choose to cultivate from within can be felt all around us, let that be emotions of love and compassion, to hate and resentment. In the practice of Feng Shui and Geopathic Stress Dowsing it’s believed our thoughts, emotions and actions can affect our home environment. For example, in the dowsing community when humans engage in arguments or high levels of strong negative thoughts, it's believed to generate ‘emotional conflict points.’ These are negative imprints left throughout different regions of the home where arguments or large volumes of repetitive negative thoughts have festered.

Let’s imagine if you took those negative emotions and continued to spew them throughout your house (speaking out loud, thinking, feeling, maybe even behaving in a certain way) and than decided to direct those lower emotions and thoughts toward your own house. “ I don’t like this house”, “ I hate it here”, “ I don’t care about it”, It’s awful,” etc. How do you think your home would feel absorbing those types of frequencies day in and day out?

To sum that up quickly, not good. You're doing yourself an injustice because those lower vibrations are absorbed into the walls, ceiling, and floors which are than redistributed towards those occupying the home. Feelings of resentment generated within your home and towards your home, work the same way as if you were projecting resentment towards another human. It’s a cycle that never ends until acknowledged and stopped.

It’s understood each home and person has a unique story to why resentment and hate has built up. However, if the intention is to change your homes energy, it’s recommended to listen to your home’s request for help.

As your home heals, you heal.

Sometimes a home’s request is very simple, such as asking you to no longer spew resentment and hateful thoughts towards it. Perhaps the home needs certain maintenance repairs that have gone unchecked, or certain rooms or entire sections of the home require a serious refresh or energy clearing. There are so many possibilities to this dialogue, yet if you don’t take the time to listen, you may never hear what is needed.

To help provide a face and body to whom you're speaking with, in Feng Shui and Dowsing its believed each home has a soul and a guardian who can communicate their needs and express their feelings. This is the energy of whom you are connecting with. Or, you could even say, the home is a deeper reflection of your subconscious mind.

How do I communicate with my home?

There are many ways and I’ll share one method that works for me, my students and clients when appropriate. We invite you to be open to these ideas.

1. Take the time to meditate for at least 5-10 minutes. During this time, it’s recommended to call in your healing and protection guides. This overall process helps center yourself to become more receptive to deep listening and dialogue.

2. After, walk to the center of your home (in Feng Shui we refer to this as the heart of your home) and place your right hand on the center wall and left hand on your heart. Close your eyes and ask permission to speak with the soul of your home and/or guardian of your home.

3. Through deep listing you’ll receive a response. Each person is unique in how this dialogue happens. This is called tapping into your personal clairs. Some examples of the clair senses include…

  • Clairvoyance – seeing - perceive information or events through clear mental images or visions

  • Clairaudience - clear hearing - receive information through auditory perception

  • Clairsentience - sense - or feel information on an emotional level

  • Clairgustance - tasting - taste flavours or substances without physically ingesting

  • Clairalience or clairolfaction - smell - perceive smells or odours that are not physically present

  • Claircognizance - Knowing - sudden insights about a situation or information without any logical explanation

  • For the purposes of connecting with your home I would say a good 90% of the time dialogue will happen through Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and/or Claircognizance. As you become more connected with your Clair abilities you can better strengthen them as needed.

4. From there, within your minds eye or spoken out loud, ask your home what it needs help with. i.e. “How can I help you so that you are healthy and happy so collectivity we can cultivate a harmonious home for myself and family?”

5. Be open to how you receive a response. For some, they may receive information right away, for others, information could arise in other ways, such as through a dream, or dialogue with other people, or a song, or through words you see walking along the street or when reading a book. Remember, like with another human, this is an opportunity to find resolution and peace.

6. Once the session has concluded, give thanks for the opportunity to speak and remember to close down what you have opened up. Using the words from Dowsing, “I give thanks for this opportunity to speak with the soul and guardian of my home and ask management to close any doorways or portals that were opened expectedly or unexpectedly during the course of my communication with the soul and guardian of my home. I ask that my energy and the energy of my home return to normal working levels. And so it is.”


Optional: if you prefer to journal your question you could. However, I’ve found the link of connection to be more powerful when able to physical touch the wall of a home for direct dialogue. Naturally, explore what works for you.

Let’s say you’ve done all this and you start to feel a shift for the better within the energy of your home and self. You’ll want to maintain that positive trajectory and begin looking into more practical adjustments to further support the refreshed energy.

  1. Take the time to personalize your home. Express who you are, your likes, interests and joys. Simply put, begin displaying artwork, photos, textures, colors, etc that bring joy to your heart. Take the time to highlight what matters in your life. In modern-day Feng Shui terms, think of your home as a giant live-in vision board.

  2. Become clear with the type of mood you’ll like to create. To help with this, decide on the function of each room. Is it a place for sharing meals, to entertain, to create (i.e artwork, music), office work, sleep, meditate, etc.

  3. Declutter. An organized space means an organized mind and less stress. This is scientifically proven.

  4. Stay in the present moment. Thoughts of the past and thinking too far into the future can create unwanted stress, worry and anxiety. Focus on adjustments that can be done in the current moment to improve the energy of your home right now. This is a step by step process.

Again, it’s understood the reasons for resenting or hating a home can vary, so the information provided in this article is a base introduction to help begin opening your heart, mind, and “Feng Shui Eyes.”

Written by Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Master, Reiki Master, Geopathic Stress Dowser. and Sound Healer. Contact Us