Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Could Decluttering Literally Be Painful For Some People?

Since the 1970's, the principles of feng shui introduced the words and concepts of "clutter" and "de clutter" to America. Clutter and the act of decluttering goes beyond the physical. It's a lifestyle that affects us mentally and emotionally. For years science has not been able to prove this, until now!

"A team of UCLA researchers found physical clutter overloads your senses, making you feel stressed, and impairs your ability to think creatively.

For some, the process of decluttering could actually be painful. How so? "Researches at Yale recently identified that two areas in your brain associated with pain, the anterior cingulate cortex and insula, light up in response to letting go of items you own and feel a connection towards." 

It's also important to understand there are different levels of clutter. I also invite you to keep in mind that sometimes clutter is not always bad. Think of an artist studio, as they tend to have organized chaos. When clutter hinders your thought process and increases your stress levels, that is when you need to take action. 

Click on How Clutter Affects Your Brain to read the full article