Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Long Island & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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New Feng Shui Development in West Palm Beach Florida

I’ve been hired by developers to conduct a Feng Shui analysis for the development of a new hotel in Florida. One of the very first steps to beginning a Feng Shui analysis is investigating the history of the location.

The West Palm Beach site has an intriguing background as a once family owned and operated hotel (est. in 1925) that is currently functioning as a hostel. During the on-site Feng Shui analysis, we reviewed blue-prints, along with observing which parts of the existing building's facade would be preserved and integrated into the newly designed hotel. Inventory of the hotel’s 1925 original furnishings was also taken into consideration with a few pieces to be incorporated into the new hotel once constructed. Referring to the furnishings, I’m happy to highlight two keen observations.

Above you’ll see a photo of the hostel’s interior. This photo showcases an antique mirror that is an original piece and we hope to repurpose it in the new design. In Feng Shui we are very mindful of mirrors, however this mirror presented an energetically neutral feeling (which is great!). I believe much of that is due to the manager of the hostel who conducts monthly space clearings to keep the energy of the existing three-level building in balance.

Additionally, there is an image featuring three king palms, which has been recommended to be preserved and displayed within the new hotel. Why is this important? The selection of royal palms was deliberate from the original hotel owners, as they were meant to represent stability, strength, and permanence. They even planted a king palm outside the hotel to commemorate its opening in 1925. Two more king palms were planted near the owner’s home, symbolizing their children who eventually took over the hotel.

I bring awareness to this topic because when you have the opportunity to integrate positive history into a new development, it honors the story of the past, while cohesively blending the present moment. This could be accomplished through retaining certain aspects of an original structure or by refurbishing pieces of furniture. Just remember, acknowledgment of the past goes a long way.

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