Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Why Does the Octagon Shape Play Such an Important Role In Feng Shui? 

In regard to sacred geometry when viewing the octagon, there are two shapes coming together as one; which is the circle and square. The circle represents heaven and the square represents earth, thus unifying these two energies through an infinite connection. 


In BTB Feng Shui (Bon Buddhism), the octagon is seen as a symbol of protection to ward off negative spiritual activity. A common modern day BTB recommendation is to hang an octagon shaped mirror above the outside of a home’s front door that is directly across the street from a cemetery. The octagon is also seen as a vehicle for the advent of good health and good fortune.

Referring to the Western Bagua Map, you’ll see that too is in the shape of an octagon. Each life section ( 8 all together) on the map relates to a main category that supports you through life experiences for self development. 

  • Reputation

  • Partnership

  • Creativity/Children

  • Helpful People/Travel

  • Career

  • Wisdom

  • Family/Health

  • Wealth

The octagon is also highly regarded in architecture. Temples, churches, monuments, and even government buildings are known to include the octagon shape into their architectural design.

In fact, the reconstruction of One World Trade Center in New York City, used the octagon shape as the base structure for their architectural design. What's even more fascinating about this choice, the octagon is considered a symbol of rebirth. 

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Feng Shui expert with 23+ years of experience. She provides bicoastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of health care.