Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Why is Salt Considered a Good Feng Shui Cure to Remove Negative Energy?

Salt has played a vital part in religious rituals in many cultures. It is an ancient mineral that has and continues to be used for various purposes that include body purification treatments, massages and removing negative, low energies from dwellings. In Feng Shui it's common to place salt in your bedroom, kitchen, living room and especially by the front door. You could also place salt in other areas of your home where you get an uneasy feeling, such as with the attic. 

How you implement the salt purification cure is up to you. Traditionally, people would sprinkle the salt mindfully around the selected room's perimeter. Being practical in the modern world, you may not want to do that as it could erode wooden floors. Instead, you could place the salt in a small bowl and arrange it in the room where it will not be accidentally prematurely thrown out, played with or ingested. 

There is a time-line of expiration for this particular cure. Nine nights (including the first night of the cure's implementation) is when the purification is the strongest. After that, some clients may prefer to keep the salt within their home for 6 months. Traditionally, the Chinese New Year a great time to replace the salt purification cure.

How could you dispose of the old salt?

  • Some may place the expired salt in an outside garbage can, and if you choose this method please be respectful and give thanks to the purification process.


  • A more preferred method is to bury the salt outside (and not on your property). Perhaps go to a local park or the beach and bury it. Mother Earth (Gaia) and the ocean will recycle that unwanted energy and transform it into new.


Quick additional insights:

  • Use organic or kosher salt only.

  • Do your best to blend the salt bowl into the existing decor vs concealing it inside a cabinet or draw. It needs to 'breathe' and have an opportunity to absorb the negative energy.