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545 8th Avenue
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Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.


Feng Shui Manhattan Healing Blog

Certified New York City Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano provides weekly Feng Shui Tips and insights to help inspire and support a new engagement with your daily surroundings internally and externally. She also explores the latest overlaps between the metaphysical sciences and modern-day sciences. In addition, Laura shares guidance into a variety of healing modalities, such as with Reiki, Dowsing, and Meditation to help support you with healthier lifestyle choices for the body, mind, and spirit.

The Five Elements - Basic Feng Shui Introduction

Laura Cerrano

The Five Element theory is the foundation of Chinese disciplines such as in Feng Shui, martial arts, and the I Ching (The Book of Changes). Studying the Five Elements provides a blueprint that illustrates how nature interacts with the body and how the different dimensions of our being impact each other. Each of the five groups—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—include categories such as a season, a direction, stage of growth and development, emotion, aspect of the soul, color, sound . . . the categories are seemingly limitless. The Five Elements reflect a deep understanding of natural law, the Universal order underlying all things in our world.

For now, let's introduce ourselves to the Five Elements Theory through archetypes, characteristics, colors, the season, shape, Kau number, and where to find them on the Western Bagua map. Using these foundational tools can then help you implement simple changes into your living environment through small doses, while at the same time shine some light into your inner nature. 

Quick Insider Tip: When implementing these changes into your environment, pay attention to the function of each room. This opens your awareness and consciousness to each part of your home and how the objects, colors, and over all furnishings within that space could compliment the element suggested within a specific area of your home or not. 

Another Insider Tip: In modern day times, we tend to use objects, colors, and imagery as a means to represent the elements. So, before making any new purchases, I strongly recommend you FIRST SHOP AROUND YOUR HOME . Learn how to repurpose what you already have through clear intention of use and choose items that provide a positive emotional connection and psychological influence. 


Fire Element: The Wizard

Characteristics When Balanced: Dynamic, charismatic, loving, glowing, magnetic, warm, attentive, and open. Natural salesman or women. Smiles with their eyes. 

Not Balanced: Burned out, raging, abusive of self and others, easily agitated, unable to finishes what they started. If not mindful, they could merge with other people and lose themselves.

Color- Red (or any grouping of warm, inviting colors)

Season - Summer

 Bagua Life Section- Fame/Reputation

  • Kau Number: 9

  • Direction: South

  • Shape: Diamonds, triangles, pyramids

  • Objects: Candles, artwork with accents of red or warm colors in general, images that convey a warm emotions, or choose artwork that is bold and expresses the dynamics traits of you.

  • Organs: heart and small intestines


Wood Element: The Pioneer

Characteristics When Balanced:  Youthful, flexible, assertive, adaptive and independent. Seeks challenges. Likes pressure and likes to be the first, the best, and only.  This persons needs to keep growing. 

Not Balanced: Impatient, vindictive, smothered, slow, sluggish and inflexible. 

Color: Greens

Season: Spring time

Bagua Life Section: Family and Wealth 

  • Kau Number: 3, 4

  • Direction: East & South-East

  • Shape: Vertical lines or rectangles

  • Objects: Family photos, images of budding flowers or fully bloomed flowers, and strong rooted trees. When possible, using real plants inside your home or office is always best.

  • Organs: liver and gallbladder


Water Element: The Philosopher

Characteristics When Balanced: Quest for truth, is strong in his or her beliefs, offers insight, easily gathers information, cleaver, articulate, and very connected to their emotions. 

Not Balanced: Passive, fearful, angry, drowns self and/or others, very emotional or very tough (icy personality), suspicious, unforgiving, blunt and detached. 

Color - Black or Blues

Season - Winter

Bagua Life Section - Career

  • Kau Number: 1

  • Direction: North

  • Shape: Wavy patterns and lines and translucent layers

  • Objects: An actual water fountain, fish tank with fish (at least 3 fish), images that represent water (beach with water view, ocean, river, steam), mirrors, glass vase that vase flowers in them or glass coffee table. You could also use artwork that incorporates accents of blue or cool colors in general.

  • Body organs: kidneys, ear, and bladder


Earth Element: The Nurture

Characteristics When Balanced: The Peacemaker, mediates conflict, can alter perspectives and put people at ease. They are caring, sympathetic, peaceful, dependable, behind the scenes leader, poised, and values the unification of relationships. 

Not Balanced: This person becomes shut down, uncoordinated, insecure, obsessive, nervous, resistant to change. Overextending of oneself,  unrealistic expectations of other people and over protective. 

Color - Yellow, beiges, creme or earth tones

Season - Indian Summer

Bagua Life Section- Wisdom/Knowledge, Health and Partnership

  • Kau Number: 8, 5, 2

  • Direction: North-East, Center & South-West

  • Shape: Squares, cubes, and horizontal lines

  • Objects: Photograph of mountain ranges or an abstract painting, pomes that speak to the healing energies of Mother Earth, earth based textile patterns and tapestries, or the use of crystals.

  • Organs: stomach and spleen (and pancreas).


Metal Element: The Alchemist

Characteristics When Balanced: They focus on morals, values, justice, honesty, are reasonable, refined, organized, and efficient. They bring out the best in self and demand the best in you. They know what they are and what they believe in. 

Not Balanced: They become fussy, cheap, rigid, overbearing, strict, distanced, and cold. 

Color- White and/or Gray

Season- Autumn

Bagua Life Section - Children/Creativity and Helpful People/Travel

  • Kau Number: 7, 6

  • Direction: West & North-West

  • Shape: Circles and ovals

  • Objects: Furniture that has metal parts in them, picture frames, mirrors, sculpture, sound healing and music (listening and playing), or even seeing musical instruments out on display.

  • Organs: Lungs and large intestines (and colon)

Suggested Read: Dragon Turtle Feng Shui Cure for The Home and Office

Suggested Read: Learning Feng Shui By Watching the 2018 South Korea Winter Olympics

Suggested Read: Feng Shui Bagua Map Basics for Your Home in 4 Easy Steps

Suggested Read: Why Does the Octagon Shape Play Such an Important Role In Feng Shui?

Feng Shui expert with 21+ years of experience. She provides bicoastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of assited healing within the health care system.

How to Integrate the Principles of Feng Shui with a Master Reiki Crystal Grid

Laura Cerrano

The image you see above integrates Reiki and Feng Shui principles to create an Antahkarana Altar. 

Antahkarana symbol master reiki grid photo by feng shui consultant of Manhattan new york.jpeg

Lets take a closer look at the Master Reiki symbol called, Antahkarana, created by Reiki Master William Lee Rand. There are two Antahkarana symbols; yin and yang, but for now we'll explore the Yin (female) symbol. In essence, the Yin symbol promotes healing in a gentle way for both male and female energies. What's being healed and manifested will depend on your intentions

Antahkarana symbol ceremony feng shui mannhattan.JPG

Traditionally, to make an Antahkarana altar, the ingredients include the image of the Antahkarana and 7 crystals, each one corresponding to the seven chakras. The twist of Feng Shui comes from including objects of your choosing that have positive meaning, besides the 7 crystals, to refine the presentation of your Antahkarana altar, especially if you are conducting a Space Clearing for clients.  


How to Create your Feng Shui Master Reiki Crystal Grid:

1. Choose a ceremonial cloth. I chose to use my grandmother's hand sewed embroidered red velvet cloth as the ceremonial cloth, and placed it on-top of the Antahkarana.


2. Place the 7 crystals on-top of the ceremonial cloth in alignment with the Antahkarana edges. The diagram above illustrates the placement of the crystals. Six of the crystals are positioned along the six edges of the Antahkarana, which creates a Hexahedron. The last crystal, also referred to as the "master crystal," is then placed to the side of the six crystals. 


2A. The image above illustrates what the altar looks like when the ceremonial cloth is placed over the Yin Antahkarana symbol with the crystals.

 3. Think about why you are asking for help in transforming certain aspects of your life. Once you have your answer or answers, you could then choose an object, or write 3-8 intentions on a piece of paper placed inside a unsealed red envelope. Either the object and/or written intentions could then be placed inside the center of the Antahkarana altar. Referring to my altar as an example, I used a living plant, which for me represents self-growth, expansion of knowledge, and practicing being present with every step on my journey. Eventually, I'll pair it with written intentions. 

4. One of the last objects on my altar is a blue bracelet. This was given to me by a friend and written on the bracelet is the name of all four elements; fire, earth, wind, and water. Ideally, when creating an altar, its recommended to use the real elements. Yet, the intention of use for this blue bracelet becomes the metaphor for all four elements. So this means, the words (which also carry enegtic frequiencies) work just as good. 

feng shui mirror tips for reiki grid .jpeg

5. (optional) To further help amplify this Feng Shui Master Reiki Altar, you could place it in front of a mirror, as you see in the above image. In Feng Shui, mirrors are known to serve multiple purposes and in this case, the intention is to double the vortex of gentle healing and manifestation.

6. Where to place your altar? Ideally, its suggested to place an altar within a location of your home that will not be disturbed from heavy foot traffic. As for me, I keep my altar inside my office which is mid-way into my home and provides privacy. 

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If you would like to print out your own version of this, here is the Yin (female Antahkarana symbol.

Sample List of Suggested Crystals in Correspondence to the Chakras:

Crown Chakra: Clear Quartz
Third Eye Chakra: Tanzanite
Throat Chakra: Blue Fluorite
Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz
Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine
Sacral Chakra: Carnelian
Root Chakra: Red Tiger's Eye

Crystal recommendations from "The Crystal Bible," by Judy Hall