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545 8th Avenue
New York, NY, 10018
United States


Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.

Geopathic Stress Dowsing Healing Services (Copy)

Laura Cerrano of Feng Shui Manhattan provides Holistic Geopathic Stress Dowsing Healing Services to investigate and heal hidden detrimental energies found within the land, living/working environments, and people. This service is great for homes, ranches, farms, businesses, and new construction projects.

geopathic stress healing dowsing services

Certified House Healer Dowser Laura Cerrano

Certified House Healer Dowser Laura Cerrano

Laura Cerrano provides Holistic Healing Dowsing Services to investigate and heal hidden detrimental energies of Geopathic Stress found within the land, living/working environments, and people. Essentially, there are over 54+ detrimental energies that could be draining your energy field, with some of the biggest culprits being water veins, ley lines, emotional conflict points, and toxic lines. When these detrimental energies are not healed, occupants within that space could be negatively affected in various ways over short or long periods of time.

Sample floor plan from a Mini House Healing Dowsing session.

Sample floor plan from a Mini House Healing Dowsing session.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic Stress is a generic term used to cover all the seen and unseen energy patterns around, which in most cases are detrimental.

Geo: The Greek prefix geo – signifies “earth” (e.g. Geology is the study of the Earth)

Pathic: “Pathos” meaning disease or suffering.

Stress: an organism’s total response to environmental demands or pressures.

When the land, home, people, and animals are not in harmony with the earth and each other, it could become disruptive on varying levels that could negatively impact personal and professional life experiences. Below is a list of some common negative symptoms felt by Geopathic Stress.

Read more by clicking on this article link to delve deeper into the exploration of Geopathic Stress

Signs/symptoms Of Geopathic Stress

  • Depression

  • Insomnia (disturbed sleep)

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Bad-tempered

  • Mentally worn down

  • Past life/karmic issues

  • Chakra imbalances/blockages

  • Sick building syndrome

  • General tiredness

  • Irrational mood swings

  • Domestic disharmony

  • Problems buying or selling a home (divorce homes)

  • Light spiritual activity (ghosts, etc)

  • Auric field disturbances

  • Problems at work/lack of teamwork & communication

  • Constant employee turnover

  • Unhealthy patterns of revenue

  • Unexplained obstacles (personal/professional)

  • Psychic chords/psychic attack

geopathic stress healing Dowsing services helps with:

People Healing:

  • Attachments

  • Psychic Attack

  • Curses & Spells

  • Illness Trigger Points

  • Psychic Cords

  • Fractured Souls

Home Healing:

  • Earth Energies

  • Spirits

  • Water Veins

  • Ley Lines

  • Human Emotions (conflict points)

  • Technopathic Stress

Land Healing:

  • Animal Spirits

  • Consecrated Ground

  • Nature Spirits

  • Place Memory

  • Stress Lines

  • Spirit Lines

Business Healing:

  • Repetitive Closings

  • Workforce Relationships

  • Overall Building Health

Real Estate Healing:

  • Selling

  • Renting

  • New Construction and/or Entire Developments

  • Remodeling

  • Moving

  • Buying

benefits of healing Dowsing services

  • Increases ability to manifest

  • Reduction of tension and anxiousness/less stress

  • Comfort and feeling a positive energetic shift in your space

  • Mental Clarity

  • More energy and motivation

  • Supports immune systems

  • Better business relations among employees/managers, etc

  • More harmonious living/working environment

  • Improved sleep and more energy

  • More harmony within relationships

  • More inner peacefulness & overall joy

select your healing Dowsing service

Mini Healing Dowsing Service:

What you receive

This service investigates the top 4 - 5 essential detrimental environmental and circumstantial energies that can exist within a house or place of work.

  • 30-min phone or zoom call to discuss areas of interest for Laura to investigate with House Healing Dowsing.

  • The mini-report investigates 4 essential detrimental environmental and circumstantial energies that can exist within a house or place of work.

  • You are provided with a detailed report and updates that illustrate on your floorplan the routes of the top four detrimental effects.

  • Throughout the investigation of detrimental energies, healing is simultaneously conducted through the support of management (source/god/universal healing energy) to realign the frequencies of self, the land and space, back to a harmonious state of being.

  • Clients are also provided with a single 45-minute follow-up call or zoom session.

Full Healing Dowsing Service:

what you receive

This is a comprehensive full service that investigates more than 54+ environmental and circumstantial energies that could be detrimentally affecting you and others occupying your home or place of business.

  • 30-min phone or zoom call to discuss areas of interest for Laura to investigate with House Healing Dowsing.

  • The full report investigates 54+ environmental and circumstantial energies that can exist within a house or place of work.

  • You are provided with a detailed report and updates that illustrate on your floorplan the routes of the top discovered detrimental effects. This includes the land, person, and location (home or business) under investigation.

  • Throughout the investigation of detrimental energies, healing is simultaneously conducted through the support of management (source/god/universal healing energy) to realign the frequencies of self, the land and space, back to a harmonious state of being.

  • In the full report, you will also be provided with beneficial areas within the location and/or on the property that could assist you with additional supportive energy.

  • Clients are also provided with a single 45-minute follow-up call or Zoom session.

Geopathic Stress Dowsing Services
from $356.00


  • Choose Your Session

  • Make a Full Payment

  • Once payment has been received, Laura will contact you within 24 hours or less to guide you through the next steps

What we need from you:

  1. A clearly drawn floor plan of the location being requested to dowse. Please be sure to include all levels of your home’s floor plan.

  2. Full address of the location being dowsed

  3. Full names of all those occupying the house or work environment being dowsed

Email information to

Please note: all dowsing sessions are provided remotely.

Questions? Contact Laura for a free 15-minute exploratory phone call


  • From the date of purchase, you have one year to redeem. After that, if you wish to reschedule, you need to purchase a new Geopathic Stress Holistic Healing Dowsing Service.

  • The prices listed above are starting fees as some projects may require more in-depth investigational time due to the scope of the project, and ongoing support with scheduled clearings. If that is the case, additional rates will apply. Questions, please contact Laura for more details.

  • All Holistic Healing Dowsing sessions are done remotely.

  • Speak with Laura directly for customized follow-up pricing.

  • Combine services: Feng Shui and Holistic Healing Dowsing Session