Cultivating Postive Character Development with Feng Shui
Laura Cerrano
There is an assumption that if you Feng Shui your home, then all things will change for the better. To a certain degree, yes, change happens. Keep in mind though, if you choose not to transform the character within, you might end up inheriting the same looping lessons that keep you stuck.
When choosing to Feng Shui your home, you are also cultivating stronger positive values and personal characteristics. Most of my clients when first introduced to Feng Shui tend to disregard the life sections associated with Character Development. They include one or a combination of these Ba-gua map life sections; spirituality, family, creativity, fame and helpful people. Each life section is equally important as one will support the other in order to function at full capacity.
i.e. spirituality helps cultivate healthier morals and values, creativity promotes problem solving, helpful people encourages clearer communication with yourself and toward others.
Some quick insights to keep in mind when Cultivation Postive Character Development:
Learn to hold yourself and others accountable.
Become clear with what your morals and values are. This could also be presented in the format of understanding who your ‘role models” are. Who do you turn to for guidance to have an honest opportunity for self-reflection? It could be a trusted friend, family member, coworker, mentor, or a combination of resources (books, videos, etc).
Be comfortable with growing pains. Living on earth is no picnic. Infact many will refer to Earth as school. It's a place of learning, sharing and for those who choose to participate in their life's mission, growing spiritually. In other words, be ready to work on yourself. Feng Shui is one of many methods out there to assist with your journey. Learn to shift your perspective of "life's lessons" not as 'bad luck' and more as it's what I have come to experience. At the same time, remembering to foucus on the good expeinces. That helps to cultuvate more postive and shine light on the percived negative.
Pay close attention to your circle of influence. Who's supporting your efforts emotionally, who is challenging you in a healthy way, or draining you with drama? Commit to building a diverse support team, as this will help expand your character development along with your skills in communication.
Cultivate a more global mindset. This helps broaden your perceptions about people and life events as they unfold. Becoming more dynamic in your worldview, while also being mindful of your informational sources allows for better communication when dealing with conflict.
As my mother, Carole Provenzale said to me as a young child, ‘the legacy you leave behind is up to you.’ This insight into Character Development taps into personal and professional developments. And remember, your legacy is not just a reflection of you, it also extends to your family. So please be responsible with your choices.
Laura Cerrano is a Full-time Certified Feng Shui expert with 20+ years of experience. She provides bi-coastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of health care.