Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Dragon Turtle Feng Shui Cure For Your Home Or Office

In Feng Shui, there are 4 primary celestial animals; Black Turtle, While Tiger, Green Dragon, and Red Phoenix. The mythical creature being referenced in this post is a combination the dragon and turtle, thus creating the “Dragon Turtle.” This fusion is said to signify support from an abundance of helpful people, good health, longevity, courage, power, success, prevent the negative effect of backstabbing, betrayal, and promote harmony within the home and workspace.

There are 3 different types of Dragon Turles to be aware of:

  1.  Dragon Turtle sitting on a bed of coins and gold ingots – represents an increase for steady income luck. 

  2.  Dragon Turtle with One or Two baby turtles sitting on its shell – to improve descendant luck and enjoy having respectful children that leads to a harmonious family.

  3. Dragon Turtle carrying a Wen Chang Pagoda on its back – representing academic success.

Best Placement for the Dragon Turtle?

1. You could place the Dragon Turtle in the east (family) sector of your home to help enhance good health and longevity luck for the entire family.

2. Those of you who follow the Flying Stars School of Feng Shui (astrology of a building), for 2020, could place the Dragon Turtle in the eastern and southern sector of your home to help neutralize accidents and illnesses.

3. Placing the Dragon Turtle in the Southeastern (wealth) sector of your home or office is recommended because it can help enhance your career, wealth, and prosperity luck.

4. If placed in the Northeast (Knowledge) sector of your home, this helps to promote better focus with education.

5. If placed in the Northwest sector of the home, it’s said to offer positive influences toward the patriarch of the household, supporting their overall focuses and goals.

Facing Position of the Dragon Turtle

  1. The Dragon Turtle could face toward your front door to invite serenity and peace into your home. it could also face toward a window that require extra protection.

  2. Ideally, you don’t want the dragon turtle facing directly toward you when sitting. It’s recommended to face it in your general direction, but positioned in such a way, it’s looking past you, to protect you.

  3. Placement inside the bedroom? It’s recommended to keep the Dragon Turtle out of the bedroom and reserve it for the more active areas of the home that are suitable for its placement.

Suggested Read: Learning Feng Shui by Watching The 2018 South Korea Winter Olympics

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New york city feng shui consultant Laura Cerrano has over with 23+ years of experience providing bicoastal consultations and workshops for residential, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. She is currently conducting research for her upcoming book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of assisted healing within the healthcare system.