Feng Shui Manhattan New York City & Los Angeles Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - (646)-397-0440

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Feng Shui Question: Are Mirrors Bad Inside The Bedroom?


In the practice of Feng Shui, mirrors play various roles in how they could be utilized to affect the energy of people, animals, and the overall energy of a space.

On a more general response to mirrors, they are typically not recommended inside the bedroom, more so if they are facing the bed. Why? Mirrors in Feng Shui are seen as an ‘activation’ cure, which means they could possibly overstimulate the energy within the bedroom. From a scientific perspective, our everyday house mirrors have the ability to reflect some sound waves vs absorb them. The metaphysical science of mirrors perceives them as being portal-like, making it easier for other types of energies to influence the resting body, mind, and spirit (more so for those who are very sensitive to energy). Due to these varying factors, a mirror across from a bed could influence unbeneficial sleep patterns or even dreams.

However, there could be some exceptions to the Feng Shui principles of mirrors inside a bedroom. To help you assess your own situation, consider these quick observations below….

If the mirror is not reflecting the occupant while sleeping and there is no reporting any disrupted sleep patterns, this situation could be seen as less of an issue.

If the mirror is reflecting the occupant while sleeping and is a notable culprit to what is influencing a disruption with sleep patterns, creative problem solving may be needed to help resolve the matter. The approach for resolution is different for each client, depending on surface space availability for implementing change, paired with how invested and detailed they wish to go to help remedy the situation.

Here are a few insights into how to address mirror situations within a bedroom:

  • If able to, removing the mirror from within the bedroom and/or shifting the placement of the mirror so it’s not reflecting the bed is one of the better and more practical means to addressing this situation.

  • If you wish to keep a mirror inside the bedroom, see about placing it within the room where it would not reflect the bed and perhaps instead reflect the outside. Yet again, be mindful of what is outside the bedroom window and make sure that the reflection is positive. The mirror has the ability to double the energy of what it sees (reflects) and pull that energy into the room.

  • Some clients use a decorative cloth of their choosing to cover the mirror at night.

  • Others may use a decorative vase with artificial flowers to block the overall reflectiveness of the mirror.

  • Depending on how the mirror is hanging along the wall, I’ve seen some clients hang artwork over the mirror when not in use or install flat-panel artwork installations to conceal the mirror.

  • I’ve even encountered a handful of clients who shared they were not bothered by a mirror facing across from their bed and decided to utilize the power of reflection to spice things up or even encourage the energy of baby-making!

Each situation is unique to the context of how the mirror influences the energy of the space and each person. Naturally, as people change, so will their energy patterns and the overall environment. This meaning, at one point in time, a mirror in the bedroom may not have been a bother. During another stage in life or cycle of energy that the person and/or house is transitioning through, the mirror could become too powerful and needs to be removed or adjusted with a cure.

About the author

Laura Cerrano is a Certified Feng Shui expert with 24+ years of experience. She provides bicoastal Feng Shui consultations and workshops for residential, business, real estate developments, Fortune 500 companies, and healing facilities. Laura is also the founder of the Feng Shui Manhattan School - providing an 8-month integrative professional training Feng Shui certification program. To complement her Feng Shui consultations, by request Laura provides Reiki Healing and Holistic Healing Dowsing sessions. She is currently writing her first book that focuses on bridging the gap between the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and modern-day science to establish the practice of Feng Shui as a credible form of health care.

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