What Does Clogged or Leaky Drain Pipes Mean in Feng Shui?
Laura Cerrano
“Do you have any insights into what a backed up drain pipe represents in Feng Shui?”
This is a great question! So, let’s dig a little deeper into the symbolic representation of what water element and drain pipes represent according to modern day Feng Shui principles.
Water element is linked to emotions and the subconscious mind, When water element is present in the ideal locations (north: career, east: family, southeast: wealth) inside a home and along the land, there is a sense of controlled movement that flows with ease and serenity as you navigate life.
In Feng Shui drain pipes relate to wealth and health (blood flow and the intestines, which also relates to the immune system). In regard to the reference of wealth, some may say leaky pipes is draining away your finances. Or, a clogged drain pipe could be backing up your finances, such as with not receiving payments on time, or perhaps your feeling overwhelmed with certain financial responsibilities.
The message will be unique to each person depending on where they are in their current state of life. In any effect, through the lens of Feng Shui, we see these interactions with the home and land helping to bring consciousness to the behaviors, emotions and thoughts you have been cultivating over time. Are they of benefit or are they hindering you from personal and/or professional growth and transformation?
what could you do to cure clogged drains and leaky pipes?
First and foremost be practical and get any leaky, broken or clogged pipes fixed!
A more transcendental approach (energy approach) is to query the possible message being sent to you. Some sample questions may include: What has been my emotional temperament leading up to the discovery of the leaky, broken or clogged pipe? Have I been stressed? Overwhelmed? Did something traumatic just occur or has a traumatic situation been lingering? Have I been practicing self-care? Once you have begun gathering responses to your questions, participate in making positive changes to help rebalance your lifestyle.
You could use intention to help heal your home. I know this may sound far fetched, however, before you completely judge this suggestion, why not try it out. My personal go-to is to recite a prayer of healing and blessings, sending that divine energy into the fabric of my home’s walls, foundation, appliances, drain pipes, etc. For those who practice dowsing, you could locate the power center(s) within your home and then project those divine prayers into your home. Think of this as an energy channel that instantly links into all aspects of your homes soul for a general healing.
It would be a good idea to adjust the Feng Shui of the building, rebalancing the five elements (water, metal, earth, fire, wood) and declutter accordingly to help enhance the overall energy of the space.
Take notice to any subtle messages your home is trying to send you, which usually relates to adopting better self-care practices mentally, emotionally, physically and/or spiritually.
In regard to case studies and even incidences within my own home in times past, I’ve noticed when anything having to do with drain pipes malfunctioning, there tended to be an emotional trigger that set things off, such as with grief. Just like with humans, a house also needs to release pent up negative energy periodically, otherwise if not, it tends to express itself like a pressure cooker just exploded.
At first this all may seem like a bad thing, but through the lens of Feng Shui, its not. The Feng Shui principles see this as an exchange of energy - releasing what no longer serves you or your home to replenish the space and yourself with healthy vital life force energy.