The Art of Giving and Receiving
Laura Cerrano
“The universe operates through dynamic exchange . . . giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.”
This could be a beautiful exchange between two individuals or a group of people. When choosing to gift another, please remember to do so from your HEART with LOVE. This makes a world of difference, vs feeling obligated.
My uncle is a very gifted woodworker and I decided to ask him (and only if he wished to and had time), if he could create a necklace for me before traveling to New Zealand in October for my wedding ceremony. Without hesitation, he said, yes. He asked what was the style and size I was interested in. I told him, nothing fancy, shared simple design ideas and provided measurements. I also made sure to emphasize, as you create it, please do so with lots of love.
In about three weeks, he mailed me the pendant you see in the photo. He hand crafted the pendant out of padauk wood. My uncle shared, this type of wood was used by kings because of its beauty. The wood is normally an orange color, but as it is exposed to the sunlight it turns a deep rich color.
My uncle complimented the pendant with a letter that provided pearls of wisdom for life:
“Trees grow, live a life, die; and then the woodworker brings the wood a new, but different kind of life. The pendant has harsh marks which I see as the complex order of our lives; the paths directing us in many different directions; the chaos and the challenges of choosing the “right” path. All of this complexity is enclosed in the circle represented by the round wooden pendant. Our lives are just like the wood….growing through cycles of life.
On the opposite side is a copper enamel glass center with its green, yellow, and red highlights representing the many joys in our lives. I hope you enjoy the pendant and I hope it reveals to you your own interpretation so it will fit into your life. ”