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545 8th Avenue
New York, NY, 10018
United States


Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.


Feng Shui Manhattan Healing Blog

Certified New York City Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano provides weekly Feng Shui Tips and insights to help inspire and support a new engagement with your daily surroundings internally and externally. She also explores the latest overlaps between the metaphysical sciences and modern-day sciences. In addition, Laura shares guidance into a variety of healing modalities, such as with Reiki, Dowsing, and Meditation to help support you with healthier lifestyle choices for the body, mind, and spirit.

Synchronicity: Through the Lens of Feng Shui

Laura Cerrano

Synchronicity happens on a daily basis, if you choose to pay attention. The most commonly referenced example of this is when you think about a friend or family member and then all of a sudden, they just happen to call within that very same moment.

According to Swiss psychologist and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, he described synchronicity “as a glimpse into the hidden order of the universe; coincidences that link mind and matter and cannot be explained by cause and effect.” Jung explored the phenomenon of synchronicity through spirituality, the paranormal and metaphysical teachings, such as with the I-Ching. Since his time, modern day scientist have begun to advance his original research. To start, you could check out: “What does Science have to say about Synchronicity? Surprising Results” (interview conducted in 2012) and “The Science Behind Coincidence” written in 2018.

With that said, below is two brief synchronistic stories of Feng Shui occurrences that recently unfolded in my life and through observations with others.

Synchronistic Stories of Feng Shui

On the morning of February 23rd, 2019, one of the first thoughts that formulated within my mind upon waking up was, “I’d like to purchase a small gift to raffle off at the end of my Feng Shui workshop for the Montebello Library.” Within less than a minute, that seedling of an idea dissipated. As the rest of the day built momentum, I continued with tending to business emails, marketing, and fine tuning other projects I’ve been working on.

Fast forwarding to my travels toward the Montebello Library, I kept an eye out for a nursery garden store to purchase a small succulent as the raffle gift. Unfortunately, I couldn’t locate the garden store, so I let the search go as not to be late.  I arrived at the Library about 45 minutes prior to the scheduled workshop start time.

Once inside the Montebello Library, the program director, Beth, greeted me right away. She had a bubbly, energetic personality. After a quick formal greeting, we wasted no time setting up the program room for the workshop. Mid-way through arranging the room, Beth turned toward me and said “ You know what’s so interesting about the start of today? I was trying to find something Feng Shui related to give away after the workshop ended and low and behold, TWO Feng Shui books were donated this very morning.” I turned to Beth and said, “that's amazing! I was trying to find a store where I could purchase a small succulent plant to gift away and it seems universe had something even better planned.”


Keep Reading, there’s another part to this story……

One of the patrons who attended the Montebello workshop, also attended a previous workshop I hosted the weekend before at the Norwalk Library. Due to whatever reason, she was only able to catch the last 10 minutes of that particular presentation. She and I briefly spoke at the conclusion of the Norwalk Library Workshop and she excitedly began sharing, “coming here is a sign of synchronicity for me! You spoke about the concepts of creativity, which is a topic of great discussion within my life right now! And the fact that you’ll be presenting at the Montebello Library, is perfect! Because I’ll be visiting and staying with my daughter that weekend in Montebello, so I can attend that workshop in its entirety!!.”


And guess what?!….She did attend the Montebello Library workshop AND also WON one of the donated Feng Shui books!!

Synchronicity, again!!

I invite you to think about some synchronistic events that have unfolded before your eyes? Let that be from past or most recently. They happen every single day and by acknowledging them, it allows more of that momentum of being in the flow to continue.

Spark Joy Podcast Ep 71 Feng Shui with Feng Shui Master Laura Cerrano

Laura Cerrano

Feng Shui Master, Laura Cerrano was invited on the Spark Joy Podcast to share her expertise in bringing your KonMari tidying in alignment with the principles of Feng Shui. Laura received her Feng Shui certification through the Proven Feng Shui School in NY under the guidance of her mother and mentor certified Feng Shui Master, Carole Provenzale

In this episode, you’ll enjoy:

-Learning about the importance of the decluttering step of Feng Shui to set up a vision and game plan for the practice

-Hear about the history of Feng Shui

-Learning the difference between “space clearing” and decluttering

-The fundamental principles of Feng Shui and the Five Elements

-How Laura started her company with her mother

-How to incorporate Feng Shui into your own home

-Myths and missteps in Feng Shui. You can hear about Myths and Missteps in KonMari here

-Are you holding on to the very things you need to release in order to realize your vision?

-How a small adjustment near your front door can help you "ring in the money"

-How to Feng Shui your bedroom and what not to keep in your bedroom