Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Managing Your Perspective and Health with Feng Shui
Laura Cerrano
“Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman.”
The coronavirus, “COVID-19,” is literally putting a stop to events and in most cases daily activities locally, nationally, and globally all together.
How Could Adopting A Feng Shui Mindset Help During This Time?
This does NOT have anything to do with buying ‘Feng Shui cures.” It’s about how you choose to RESPOND to this global shift. Collectively, it’s vital that we adopt a perspective which steps away from FEAR. Yes, I know, easier said than done, especially with what social media and the mass media is constantly pumping out there.
Consider this viewpoint from a metaphysical (collective energetic) standpoint. When something ‘negative’ appears in our lives (and collectively), it offers us the opportunity to see life in a new light through a period of reflection. And to be fair, with the current state that our entire world is in, we are in deep need of self-reflection and healing. This virus is forcing everyone to literally slow down and become more present with everything we do. And through this experience, you just might be reminded of what and who is truly important to you within your life, paired with opportunities for self and global growth to higher states of consciousness.
How can you calm your nerves and let go of fear and worries during this time? I know this may sound cliche, but connecting with a form of meditation is considered a direct link to your higher self and source to surrender and release fear. The words higher self and source is another way of saying, connecting with higher realms of intelligence, guidance and insight. The word surrender, is another way of saying to release resistance to change. I’ve found throughout my life when situations reach unsettling levels that trigger fear, I need an anchor to help ground me in. The anchor used for each person could vary.
The anchors for me consists of meditation and prayer. It allows me to regain clarity in how to move forward during life challenges and changes with manageable steps. This may sound archaic, yet science has proven the benefits of meditation and prayer (links: benefits of Meditation and Prayer). Other ways to do this is by focusing on what brings you joy in life. Maybe that could be making artwork, writing, looking at puppy pictures,…think about what brings a smile to your heart. Focus on what you are grateful for. Make time for what truly matters vs making time for what spikes your worries.
A common phrase in Feng Shui is, “where attention goes, energy flows.” We are all made of energy, and right now we have a billion + people focusing on this virus, including me by writing this article. However, the intention here is to offer a platform of perspective that moves away from fear. Just imagine, if this type of intense focus was projected on how to truly live in harmony with the environment; living sustainably, growing truly organic foods, really addressing human and animal rights, choosing better leaders who really care about humanity and this planet,…my gosh, this would be a completely different world! What if, perhaps, this is the start to that conscious awakening and transformation?
Another way to help you during this time is by being in nature. Yes! If able to. This meaning, be in more secluded parts of nature, away from other people. A study published in Science Daily, says that 20 minutes of being in nature will significantly lower your stress hormone levels. But, what if you can’t get into nature due to quarantine? Then use images, sound, and/or sit by a window with sunlight and if able to, look outside a window that offers the best nature scenery.
Here is a video link to bird songs in a forest which I absolutely love and tend to play when writing up Feng Shui reports for clients. Link: Forest Bird songs
In short, the more you cultivate your own energy and consciousness to be grounded during this time, it becomes easier individually and collectively for the frequencies of clarity, healing, working together, divine health, and resolution to replace fear. If you could become that example within your home and community (in-person and online), it’s a start in creating a positive ripple effect.
But, what about the virus itself? Well of course, use common sense with your day to day habits. In the present moment, the new ‘normal’ is to be diligent with your physical hygiene, taking vitamins-supplements to boost your immune system for maintaining healthy bones, tissues, organs circulatory systems, paired with eating healthy, and to embrace an overall healthy lifestyle, which ironically, isn’t that something we ideally would want to do anyway? Only now, its being forced upon us to do. In regard to people to people contact, based on what research is finding so far in how this virus spreads, it’s recommended that we all reduce gathering in large crowds.
Where To Begin On A Tangible DISCUSSION?
For starters, because we live in a vessel (our body) that requires tangible care, become educated about what you can do to maintain good physical hygiene and internal health. If you have not done so, it would be a very good idea to start reading what the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control currently recommends. Again, this is not about promoting fear, it’s about being proactive. Below is a blend of recommended vitamins, procedures and activities to consider doing and avoiding.
Disclaimer: The supplements and physical hygiene recommendations are based on what has been working for myself, paired with what has been recommended by fellow healers, research from other doctors, scientist and through research provided by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control. As new information is provided, I’ll be sure to update the post accordingly.
Coronavirus Healing Protocol
Utmost important that you take Daily dosage of 10.000 UI of Vitamin D3 (please decrease to 4000 IU daily after 3 months).
FYI: Some experts will say you only need 5000 IU daily. You can read this article, where Dr. Rhonda Patrick goes into detail about Vitamin D3.
Daily dosage of 120 mcg of MK7 (cheaper source in the USA is Costco $20 for a 60-day supply)
Daily dosage of 400 mg of Magnesium
Daily dosage of 2000 mg of L-Arginine
Daily dosage of 2000 mg of L- Carnitin
Daily dosage of 100 ml of active B6 Vitamin. Increase up to 500 ml daily in case of Cytokine storming.
Take Probiotics
Niacin flushing
Elderberry and Huckleberry supplements
And of course the cleaner you eat the better you’ll be with sustaining a healthy immune system.
List of Vitamins provided by Pierre Richard Dubois
How about the Inside of My Home and Workspace?
Clean your phone surfaces and all surfaces often; desks, chairs, etc
Don’t touch your face, mouth or eyes
Make it a habit with family members and co-workers to wash their hands often
Carry hand sanitizer with you
For those who are still going to work, If you feel sick, stay home. Period.
Allow natural light to filter into your home. Some of this natural light can kill bacteria, but this is more to symbolize not being afraid. The body, mind and emotions are all linked together. We can’t just shut out the world, we still need to live and learn to adapt.
If traveling on the bus, subway or even walking on the streets, a new recommendation from is to consider washing those clothings used and even take a shower immediately after entering back into your home.
What about Public Transportation?
Don’t touch your face, mouth or eyes
Wash your hands thoroughly and often with water and soap. It’s recommended that you wash your hands at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Carry hand sanitizer with you
If traveling on the bus, subway or even walking on the streets, a new recommendation from is to consider washing those clothings used and even take a shower immediately after entering back into your home.
You could wear a carbon filter face mask
Use disposable latex gloves
Essentially, if where you're going is within walking distance, walk instead (if there are not restrictions with being outside).
Is it ok to Attend Public Events?
For now, experts recommend NO. They have closed down and canceled large group gathering and public events as a means to be proactive in trying to help reduce and contain the virus from spreading.
However, we can absolutely adapt. For example, Institutions such as UCLA, CUNY Baruch and various other schools are using digital platforms as a means of communication for teaching and social gatherings.
Essentially, if you really don’t need to go out, experts recommend and in some cases are mandating it, that we stay in.
What Can I Eat That Is Best For My Immune System?
Eat as clean as possible. Besides amping up your immune system with vitamins and supplements, eat clean food and organic as often as you can; fruits, dark green veggies, lean meats, beans, lentils, eggs, fruits.
Again, these are the ideal foods you think we would all be eating anyway, but now it’s even more essential. Perhaps these new habits will be adopted into the more collective daily diet as the norm rather than due to fear.
For those out and about with shopping for food, if able to, go during off-peak hours. Perhaps that could be early in the morning or later in the evening when other people are settling down. Ideally, the less people your are physically around, the better. Some may also be ordering food for delivery.
Experts also warn about panic buying; hoarding food and products. By doing this, it creates even more stress and panic. By purchasing only what you need, allows stores to replenish and an opportunity for people in need of food and products to receive their own items.
Adjust your habit of eating by changing your portion sizes. Here is a practical guide to help with this: 9 Tips to Measure and Control Portion Sizes.
What Else Could You Do?
Exercise, stretch and move your body. According to exercise in general can help boost your body's natural defenses against illness and infection. 30 Minutes of regular exercise 3 - 4 times a week has been shown to raise immunity levels of T cells, which are one of the body’s first defense mechanisms. Find what works for you; lifting weights, running, yoga, Kung Fu, playing basketball (one of my personal favs and you can do solo), etc. Again, keep updated with what is allowed in terms of being outside. If you are quarantined for being inside, you can still exercise within your home.
Stay in connection with friends and family or perhaps even reach out to people you have not spoken to in a long time. Yes, it’s great to check in, however this recommendation is more in lines with giving yourself permission laugh and joke around with one another. And by the way, according to, laughing has similar effects to working out and can also boost your immune system.
Try new things or go back to hobbies that have been put to the waist side. This is another way to help ease your mind and emotions of uncertainty and during this time of adjustment.
play board games and/or solve jigsaw puzzles
check out some masterclasses with Super Soul Sunday
finish writing that script or book!
Go old school by writing a letter to a friend or family member
Host book clubs on skype or
teach yourself to sew, knit, edit, speak another language, play a guitar, djembe, flute. You have a tone of free resources online.
dance around your home! I do this for sure :)
Become your own version of Julia child and cook more!
paint, draw, build,….create!
Are there any predictions as to when This Virus May Disappear?
On a very practical level, experts from WHO and Centers for Disease Control are saying it could be months (6 months or more) before any real positive changes take place in regard to the physical spread and containment of the virus.
I did some research, looking to other fellow Feng Shui Consultants who practice Flying Stars and found a common thread of prediction. Again, these are not my predictions and take what you hear with a grain of salt. In short, based on the these consultants readings, it’s said around the months of May and June in 2020, scientist might have better understanding of how to contain coronavirus. These sources are not saying it will be cured, but perhaps better insight in how manage the virus, could come about. Time will tell if this will be the reality. Naturally, use common sense and be diligent with your day to day activities, hygiene and so forth.
Please keep in mind, the information shared here is offer a different platform of perspective by releasing fear and replacing it with a more grounded perspective in how you could move forward. This is a time of re-adjustment and acknowledging, right now this is a new way of being. It’s important that we allow ourselves to pause, breathe and rest. WE are in the process of adapting a new lifestyle collectivity.
“I Am Safe; It’s Only Change”
With love and light,
Laura Cerrano
This video offers an organic discussion with Feng Shui thoughts about how you could manage your perspective of the Coronavirus (COVID - 19). When you get to the page, scroll down and you’ll see the video.
Gregg Braden offers a scientific discussion with what COVID - 19 is.