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545 8th Avenue
New York, NY, 10018
United States


Certified NYC Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano has over 20-years of on-site and remote Feng Shui & Design consulting. Consultations, seminars and classes provided in New York City and Los Angeles California, along with National and International locations.


Feng Shui Manhattan Healing Blog

Certified New York City Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano provides weekly Feng Shui Tips and insights to help inspire and support a new engagement with your daily surroundings internally and externally. She also explores the latest overlaps between the metaphysical sciences and modern-day sciences. In addition, Laura shares guidance into a variety of healing modalities, such as with Reiki, Dowsing, and Meditation to help support you with healthier lifestyle choices for the body, mind, and spirit.

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Feng Shui for Men and Women Who Do Not Want to Use Pink in the Bedroom

Laura Cerrano

I am working with a client from Santa Monica, CA who is in the process of Feng Shui-ing his bedroom. It's usually suggested to use pink in the bedroom because it associates with the energy of "partnership." It's important to note my client's bedroom is located in the wealth section of his home. This creates a double connection between partnership and wealth. Using the suggested accent colors of wealth was no problem, but using pink to acknowledge partnership did not fit his aesthetics. Taking this into consideration we came up with flexible remedies.

Accent colors of purples, greens, golds, silvers (metallics in general), touches of blues and/or splashes of red help honor the life section of wealth. Each color relates to an element that nurtures the growth of wealth which includes wood, metal, water and fire. Even though none of colors mentioned are pink, when used mindfully they create a soft feeling. This is another way to associate with partnership.  

                                  before                                   &nbs…

                                  before                                                                                           after

Looking at the before and after photos you can see the simple changes he made. The small cowboy image was replaced with the "flower of life" drawing. The flower of life has a softer presentation, deeper meaning and displays some of the traditional accent colors of wealth (blues and metallics). He also kept the purple cloth and snake plant, which are wonderful contributors to wealth energy. 

final selection of display

The above photo illustrates his final steps. He removed any additional objects that really had no meaning and reason for being displayed on the dresser top. The two red candles were left as a symbolic gestures for partnership. He also kept his lucid dream journey and the large white candle for ambiance during evening hours. Looking from start to finish, you can see he took his time observing this section of his bedroom. He intuitively and intentionally made changes, while editing as needed until his choices reached its optimal blend of textures, colors and meaningful objects based on the Feng Shui suggestions provided to him.  

Today Is a Special Day of Remembrance - December 17th Carole Provenzale

Laura Cerrano

What a special day for our family and the birth of Feng Shui Manhattan (also known as "Feng Shui Long Island"). My mother, Carole Provenzale, was born on this day of December 17th, 1954. Without her presence on earth many things would not have come to fruition. 

Such as with my brother and I being adopted from Colombia, Carole being the first in the family to study Feng Shui and become certified, along with establishing the company, formally known as "Feng Shui Long Island," back in 1997. She was also the Feng Shui consultant to the very first 100% Feng Shui-ied hospitality building in Long Island, NY called The Viana Hotel and Spa.

Beyond all that, the greatest gift was the love of a mother. That foundation of love, support and embracement is irreplaceable and invaluable. Happy "earth" birthday mom. May you continue to journey well through the various parallel worlds of today and tomorrow. 

Love and light.