Feng Shui Space Clearing and Land Blessing at The Cove - Long Island City, NY
Laura Cerrano
photo permission granted by @RockroseDevelopment | image of main entrance
When it comes to the topic of Space Clearings, Land Blessings, and Feng Shui, consultants believe it’s important to clear away any unbeneficial predecessor energy left behind from the previous occupants. It’s believed when people (and even animals) entangle with lower frequency energy (negative feelings or thoughts left behind from a previous occupant's, or even trauma to the land), it could potentially influence the new occupants’ thoughts, patterns of behaviors, and how they feel.
Experiencing a space clearing and blessing provides the home, land, and occupants with an opportunity to refresh the energy and fuse their own intentions into the fabric of the building. By doing this, it helps people feel more connected, harmonized, and grounded to the location they will be residing in.
Enlisting the professional services of a space clearer can be beneficial at any time, especially before or after moving into a new location. In the case of Rockrose Development, they chose to space clear and bless their new residential development, The Cove after construction was completed with the help of Certified Feng Shui Master Laura Cerrano. Below are photos that share a glimpse of Laura Cerrano guiding the Rockrose team during the Feng Shui space clearing and land blessing ceremony.
photo permission granted by @RockroseDevelopment | Laura Cerrano on left | Rockrose team member on right, Aprl 2021
photo permission granted by @RockroseDevelopment | Rockrose team emember writing intentions, April 2021